Ok, so I haven't ever used this blog thing to vent, but I need to get something off of my chest. Everyone that I am around has more than 2 kids.. I only have one, therefore I am criticized. I am always told that my child is going to grow up spoiled or she will never learn the real world... Ok so I get her limo rides for her birthday (I haven't heard the end of that one) I throw her parties through out the year. ( I like her to be able to have fun with her friends) We go shopping and she always ends up with something even if I am not going shopping for her. Christmas morning at our house looks like there is more than 1 child that lives there...I take her to concerts (Hannah Montana, Aly and AJ) And so on...
Hannah in my eyes is the best child any parent could ever ask for. She works hard in school to get good grades and works on getting every award and the end of each semester (which she gets both). She knows what no means. She will never throw a fit when I tell her no. She does know the real world. We do a lot for childerns homes and we get involved with as much as we can to help out the less fortunate..
I have a friend that is on her 5th child. I think that is awesome! If I was able to have more childern I think I would be side by side with her. People criticize her for having to many kids. And here I am getting picked on and criticized for only having one...
What is wrong with people!!! Can't they mind their own business and be happy for people???? If I want to get a limo every month for my child that's my business. If I want to buy her a pony that's also my business. If I want to buy her a pair of shoes each week, that's also my business..
Is there anyone out there that is positive and can be happy for others??
How it All Started
16 years ago
Amen sister, I only have one child and I'm 32. Let me tell you, I have heard everything. People just don't think before they talk, ya know. I love my life and if I happen to have more kids then I will and if I don't then it's up to me because it's me and my husband that will make that choice for our family, not everyone around me.
Good Post:)
I have also wonder why people constantly ask "are you gonna have another" Another fav is "who she going to play with" duh fRIENDS! Why dont people mind their own bizz.I have enough love for more children; however I am thankful for the one child I have and we can leave it at that. take care
I have no children yet but everyone around me does, I think in this day and age people feel they can speak what is on their mind whether they are rude or not. With that I believe in return WE also have the right to reply to them in any way we want! Next time someone asks say "I don't believe that is any of your business!" I think that would shut them up.
I remember a while back I had a pregnancy scare and I think everyone can agree on this one, when you go up to the counter to pay for the test you just want to buy it and get out, I don't know where people got the idea that we want to discuss this with them in front of the entire line. Same goes for Condoms or any other uncomfortable item we are forced to buy in public. (Not that I care what people think...) I just feel sorry for anyone that asks me anything anymore I have decided if they can be rude by asking personal questions I can be rude when I reply. When did how many babies you make become a public discussion? We all do not live in a reality TV show therefore our life is not public information, I think if we kept that in mind we can put a stop to this nosey National Enquirer reading type of people. If you want to spoil your child (which I agree you are not!) then that is up to you. Are you serious people????????? Are we really concerned that a child is getting too much attention? We have kids out there hungry, filthy and abused because their druggie parents could give a rats a$$!!! Give me a break.
It doesn't seem to matter if you have one kid, twelve kids, or no kids... people are nosey at best, and often times downright rude. Being married with no kids, I am constantly asked when we are having kids. It's a reasonable question, but if I say we are trying, I always get unsolisited advice or more prying questions.
Seriously, Ask once, and if you don't get an answer, then TAKE A HINT!
I agree, people do need to mind their own business. It sounds like to me that you know what you are doing so don't let those people bother you. You should have heard the things people said to me when I had the twins. People can be lame. Just come back and ask them what diet they are on or something. That would be funny.
I know Hannah and she is the sweetest little girl! You have taught her to be polite and just an all around sweetie. She deserves all she gets! You are what every mother should be! There is no such thing as loving your child too much... and that's all your doing! You have a big heart not only for your daughter but others as well... keep up the good work..Love ya!
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